Puppy Socialization Makes Happy Homes

Puppy Socialization – What is That?

I refer to puppy socialization as “early puppy-hood development”. I do “early puppy-hood development” with my puppies for the puppies first 8 weeks of life to prepare him to his new loving home.

Puppy socialization is just that, it is socializing your puppy with people, places and things, including foreign noises so your puppy is comfortable with a myriad of unusual situations.

Have your puppy exposed to other animals and people as soon as possible and as often as possible. When you puppy arrives home at 8 weeks old you will want to start the socialization process immediately. The first step to raising an emotionally well balanced, well adjusted, emotionally stable and well-behaved and well mannered puppy is Socialization. Socialization is the fundamental key to your happiness and your dog’s happiness together. Puppy Socialization is just that, socializing your puppy.

When you successfully socialize your puppy he will become a happy, healthy and well-mannered addition to your family.

Get creative! Introduce your puppy to noises, ditches, other dogs, strangers, children, public places, people in wheel chairs, different looking men and women and children of all ages. I will even touch my puppy all over, raising it’s tail, lifting his legs, talking to him as if he understood English. Constantly expose him to a myriad of situations.

Handling your puppy in a variety of ways he may be introduced will help your puppy be less fearful.

Puppy training classes through your local pet store will assist you with the socialization process. Also check into 4H for dogs and AKC kennel club classes in your area.

About Barbara Williams

Barbara Williams loves network marketing, breeding Schnauzers, designing custom made, handcrafted jewelry out of semi-precious stones and, of course, most of all she loves raising her granddaughter Madison. Barbara lives just outside the San Francisco Bay Area with her 12 year old granddaughter Madison and surrounded by her loving Schnauzers. Barbara is a Spanish Literature Graduate and a card holding union electrician out of the IBEW Local 595 Alameda Country. Barbara was a Real Estate agent and is a Real Estate Investor. Barbara has worked successfully in the network marketing industry for over 15 years. Of all the occupations Barbara has had she loves breeding Miniature Schnauzers the most. She loves offer Miniature Schnauzer puppies for sale to good and loving homes. Barbara loves people, children, life and animals.
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